Bangkok Led OverDoze Reload No Flood Gonna Stop Us

Fuck it, OverDoze is back no matter what, cause EVERYBODY KEEPS ASKING FOR IT !! So we are gonna keep it alive and going ;P !!

Fuck the flood, its making life boring lately and we just all wanna PARTYY HARDYY Nths gonna stop us, not even the flood !!
So lets fuck it for one night this SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12th & start SHUFFLING !!

OverDoze parties, known to be some of the craziest drunken BKK nights to many !
We’ve created and made many memorable crazy mad drunken passed out messy nights with the 808 open bar Overdoze nights. If you’ve grown up with BKK night life, Overdoze is definitely on your nightlife checklist as it has been to many !
Lets relieve and recreate these crazy drunk moments once more again !
So bottoms up and lets all get pissed off MAO DRUNK TILL WE ALL PASS OUT IN THE BATHROOMS, ON THE COUCHES, RCA STREET, THE NEIGHBOR’S BUSH, ETC. like we’ve all experienced before !
So tell all your friends and everyone to come ! The more the crazier the night will be as always ! Lets get hella pissed MAO 😉

As always, this is definitely your moneys worth, for all you can drink all night long !!
As usual we have a wide variety of alcohol and mixers like no other open bar in town, such as whiskey, tequila, vodka, gin, apple/orange/pineapple/cranberry juice, redbull, coke, 7up, etc.

Date :: Saturday, November 12th 2011
Time :: 10:00pm till 2:00am
Place:: LED (Old 808) RCA
Price:: 650 Baht as always for all you can drinkall night long

DJ Sun
DJ Steve-O
DJ Godzilla !!
Hope to see you there this Saturday Nov.12th !! Lets fuckin PARTYY

12 November at 22:00 – 13 November at 02:00

LED (Old 808)
RCA, Bangkook, Thailand

Bkk Reload

Bkk Reload

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